Tangible Growth in District 1

Unlocking potential

“As North Huntsville goes, so goes Huntsville”

Increasing property values while addressing housing affordability, investing in infrastructure, reducing crime, and enhancing a vibrant quality of life for all of District 1 are main tenants of Devyn’s vision.

Devyn believes that for a community to thrive, all its corners must be nurtured. With the city of Huntsville, he launched the Neighborhood Resource Center, a program that brings city government to the neighborhood, helping to reduce crime and provide easy access to government resources.

This perspective has led him to successfully advocate for higher pay for Huntsville city workers, push for redevelopment of blighted properties, and invest in innovative and successful uses for catalyst areas like the former Johnson High School campus.

Devyn is a believer in transparent, citizen-accessible, and diverse government and continues to create viable solutions to the issues impacting his community. Over the next four years, his vision to increase civic engagement, move common sense, progressive policies forward, and update the perception of his District remain at the forefront as the District 1 representative of the Huntsville City Council.

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From Vision to Reality

Devyn’s commitment to District 1 goes far beyond city hall and council meetings. During his time in office, Devyn has focused on tangible improvements for his neighbors and heavily invested in community, commercial, and residential progress.

“From Douglass Road to Downtown Huntsville, District 1 is made up of the most kind-hearted, talented group of people you’ll find anywhere.”
— Devyn Keith